Covering yourself and your ability to earn an income in the event of an accident resulting in bodily damage could be one of the most important decisions you ever make.
Impairment cover covers your bodily function, ie. loss of function of a limb or loss of a limb. This refers to all main function of the body, internal organs, eyes, speech, physical ability etc.
What you as a pilot need to know
Impairment cover is a lump sum amount that will pay out a percentage of cover based on the severity of the condition. For example, loss of vision in one eye (25%-50%) or loss of vision in both eyes (50%-100%). This can be caused either from an accident or from a disease.
Various insurance companies have different claims criteria, so it is essential for you to ask the important questions and know what the differences are before entering into an impairment policy.
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Whatever your insurance needs as a pilot, we can help you.