Loss of Licence

Covering yourself, your income or ability to provide an income as well as your life, could be the most important decision you will ever make.

Loss of Licence

Loss of licence (also known as income disability) is possibly the most important cover any pilot who flies for a living can have. Most pilots are only too aware of how relatively small health issues (which would not stop a desk-based employee working) can result in not passing your medical and therefore losing your licence.

The holy grail of income disability for pilots.

Loss of license insurance is specifically designed for pilots. It allows you the opportunity to claim for a monthly insured amount, in the event of you not qualifying for your medical due to health reasons and accordingly unable to work as a pilot. Thus it is our most valuable and important service.

There is an obvious clause attached to the policy where all legal or malicious reasons for losing your license is not covered. Not all pilots qualify for loss of licence either, so contact us with some details regarding your flying habits and we will be able to offer you the best advice as to what your options are.

Need to know more about Loss of Licence Cover?

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Loss of bodily function applicable to high risk occupations
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